Introduction of me.    

Please read the Introduction of me!

First I would like to say, I started this site on March 1st.  All information on this site was from,, and from my Industrial Revolutions Class and Teacher at Stevens High School. 
My name is Jonathan Scott and I was born in Claremont, NH! My family has moved from claremont, to Enfield NH. We were living there for a few years, then we moved to Cornish, NH. We lived there for many years. I went to the Cornish Elementary School until the 6th grade. Then we moved back to claremont. We moved onto Chesnut Street, and where living there for most of my time at the Claremont Middle School. When I got into the High school we moved in with my uncle and aunt! Then I got a job at the Candy Store on Tremont Square. I was working there for many years. Then they closed there doors. Before I was working at the Candy Store I was helping out at DaddyPops Tumble Inn Diner. I was helping there for many years. When I went into Stevens High School in the 9th grade, I was helping in the cafeteria.  I love serving food, and I love helping people out!  I have been living in New Hampshire my whole life.  I love living in Claremont.  My favorite teachers are Ms. Sanborn, Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Plourde, Ms. Hardin, Mrs. Cahill, Mrs. Stillson, Mrs. Couture, and Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Hall, Mrs/ Rosinski, Mrs. Hinkley and Mrs. Roark (speech teacher).  My favorite Staff in the office was Mrs. Harrison. Mrs. Chandler, Mr. Sprauge, and the principal Mr. Couture.  Oh and I cant forget Mrs T. She is the coolest substitute teacher, her husband, Mr. T, was a very nice, and awsome guy as well ( RIP Mr.T)! I also loved the Cafeteria staff as well, Oh and I cant forget Mrs. Madeja and Mrs. Cusinelli. I had a class at Stevens High School called Industrial Revolutions with Mrs. Lewis.  If I could, I would go back to school at Stevens High School and take that class again!! I miss all of my teachers there, but I do go and say Hi to them a few times a week! I once read in a book "If you look hard enough you can find just about anything". For me that was about Claremont! Most of my information, I have found online, but some of the information I have received from my History teacher, Mrs. Lewis! When I found out that I had to take Industrial Revolutions, I asked Mrs. Lewis what the class is about and said theres lots of trips we go on and the best thing, No text books!! We went on a trip to Lowell, Mass.  I also have the pictures from Lowell Mass. I loved it! all of the old mills, the canals, and everything! I would do anything to go back there! Then another part of the class we were doing research on the people that where living in Claremont! I chose Jacob. If you go up top to this page click on Research Paper, and that will have the life of the guy I chose and researched in class! We went to the public library and researched them, then went back to the class and did more research and the best thing is, I still have all of the papers and research that I did in that class!  Then we where looking at pictures of Claremont and that's when i got into the History of Claremont! now I am hooked on the History of Claremont!! Please tell all your friends to come to this site! Anyone is welcome!  I will have the movie theatre shows and show times up for Claremont as soon as I can!  Thank you for visiting my website.  So please look around this site! And have FUN!

Thanks For Visiting My Site!
Sincerely, Jonathan Scott


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