March 19- March 26     

                                                          Claremont, NH

* The ones that have Sat/ Sun means Saturday and Sunday early shows!  Shows after 8PM are only on Friday and Saturday nights!

The Last House on The Left- R 109min           Sat/Sun  (1:50 pm)   (4:20 pm)  7:10 pm

Race to Witch Mountain - PG  99 min             
Sat/Sun  (1:00 pm)   (4:00 pm) 6:40 pm

Watch Men - ------------------R  163 min             
Sat/Sun  (1:20 pm)   (4:30 pm) 7:40 pm

Duplicity - ---------------PG-13  125 min                
(3:50 pm)  6:50 pm  Fri/Sat late night only 9:20pm

I Love You Man - -------------R  110 min      
           (4:20pm)  7:20pm     Fri/Sat late night only 9:40pm

Knowing - ----------------------PG-13  122 min             (4:10pm)
  7:00pm     Fri/Sat late night only 9:30pm

                            Or you can call the Claremont Cinema at (603)542-0400

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